Cramer Divide to Alpine Lake

The Knife's Edge at Cramer Divide ©2009 Jeff Blaylock

A knife's edge of sawtoothed peaks rims the vicinity of Cramer Divide.

At the end of this, my 8th day on the trail and its 10 hot miles, I began writing in my notebook with a simple assessment of my condition: “Backpacking fatigue has set in.”

The previous night was a practically sleepless one. The narrow spit of level land I occupied beside Hidden Lake combined with an uneasiness as I felt all evening and the awful unseen but definitely heard terrors the mind pictured causing several loud, unexplained and nearby noises. I had tied my Ursack close by, instead of hiking up the steep hillside, and now surely a bear was trying to get into it, ripping into the log. I was raised by a sudden, loud rushing sound, occasionally repeated. In the darkness, it sounded as though it were right behind my head, where, less than 30 feet away, the Ursack was wedged between logs and lashed to the smaller one. Then there was a loud splash. Was the bear gone, swimming across the lake? Was it something else?

I hardly slept from there, as each noise, real or imagined, became another bear.

At first hint of light, I got up and surveyed the situation. Expecting to find my bag of food dangling by its cord, I instead discovered the Ursack was completely undisturbed. It wasn’t a bear ripping into anything. In fact, it wasn’t a bear at all. It was a rockslide, across the lake. The mountains lining this narrow valley echoed their sounds, and my mind transformed them into a fearsome bear. Wearily, I chuckled, and quickly broke camp, eager to leave. I was on the trail by 8 o’clock.

Imogene Lake to Hidden Lake

Trail Between Two Passes ©2009 Jeff Blaylock

The trail is clearly defined between the unnamed pass behind me and Sand Mountain Pass in front of me.

August 18, 2009, was my seventh day on the trail in the Sawtooth Wilderness. It was a balmy 34 degrees at sunrise along the shore of Imogene Lake. I would need to hike about nine miles today to reach my goal of Hidden Lake. In between was a pair (or three, depending on one’s perspective) of mountain passes and a high canyon between them. Part of me still wanted to tackle Mount Cramer, but practicality squelched that pretty quickly. Besides, the sunrise was too beautiful to ignore.

Lakes of the Sawtooths, Part 3

Upper Cramer Lake ©2009 Jeff Blaylock

Upper Cramer Lake

Previous posts showcased the beautiful lakes I encountered during the first six days of last month’s backpack through the Sawtooth Wilderness. Days seven and eight had their share of spectacular scenery, and nine of those lakes are featured here.

Day seven (August 18) began with the final leg of my resupply loop and ended back on the main backpacking loop by way of Sand Mountain Pass, the only mountain pass I encountered twice. There were two passes to cross before “Sandy,” and neither had a name. The first climb began immediately after I left my campsite alongside gorgeous Imogene Lake. I got off to a bit of a late start and didn’t hit the trail until nearly 9 a.m. It was quite a bit warmer than the previous morning but still quite chilly. It took me about an hour and 20 minutes to reach the first pass.

From it, the view back down to Imogene Lake, 850 feet below, was inspiring.